Distributed Resources
(Member-owned Generation)
Distributed Generation
Distributed resources or distributed generation (DG), refers to the generation of electricity by small-scale facilities. DG systems are usually located at or near where the electricity is being used and are designed to replace or supplement traditional, central station power plants.
At Red River Valley, our DG program supports various types of interconnections. Our policies and safety requirements ensure that we can maintain the integrity of our grid, that each member shares appropriately in the costs, and most importantly, protect the safety of our members and employees.
Our power supplier, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC), has a very robust renewable generation portfolio. WFEC invests heavily in renewable energy and has between 35-50% of its portfolio coming from solar, wind and hydro.
Installations of member-owned distributed generation (DG) must comply with applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of all federal, state, county and/or local authorities. This includes but isn’t limited to the policies of REA and its power supplier and the most recent IEEE 1547 and 1547.1, or the standard for interconnecting distributed resources with electric power systems.
For net-metering, DG installations cannot exceed 300kW and must not be sized more than 125% of peak load. Installations after November 1, 2021 having a capacity of 50 kW or greater are covered under the Standby/Back-up Service Rate.
Qualifying Facilities (QF) producing more than what is consumed, will be credited monthly at WFEC’s avoided cost (updated monthly). Monthly DG charges for QF’s installed prior to November 1, 2021, will be the higher of $7.50 or $1.00 per kW of rated capacity (e.g. 10 kW solar array x $1.00 per kW = $10.0 per month). For QF’s installed after November 1, 2021, monthly DG charges will be $3.00 per kW per month. View the full Distributed Generation Rider Rate.
Failure to notify and/or contract his/her DG interconnect with the Association shall disqualify the member from any and all benefits granted by Policy #602.
Below, members may find the Interconnection of Distributed Resources and the Distributed Generation Procedures & Guidelines, for the full eligibility requirements.
Members interested in installing Distributed Generation may contact the Engineering Department for additional information concerning REA’s requirements for interconnection
Interconnection of Distributed Resources – PDF
Distributed Generation Procedures – PDF